Monday, August 25, 2008

Busy weekends

Swimmer girls
Walking home
Reading up on "Graphic Design School"
Needless to say, she dropped it quickly and moved on

All smiles at the fair, even with empty bellies at the beginning.

We walked out a little slower out than in!

Baby sheep says "Baaah! Baaah!"

The bunny goes like this

Baby chicky says "Bock, bock, bock!"

Cozy little bunny

Jordan and the guys

Family reunions are a work-out!

Grandma Boo-Boo, Jordan, and Grandpa Kirk

Auntie Ra-ra, Jordan, and Auntie Nat

Auntie Ca-Ca and Jordan

Baby chickies staying warm under the lights,
we stayed warm just walking around!

Oh, I don't know about you!

Grandma Boo-boo, my new friend and cousin, Ben, and I at the reunion

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