Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Mama loves her Jordy!

So pretty with Nana Karen

Godmother and Auntie Jessica

Great-Grandma Bev came to celebrate the day with us!
This is Jordan's Great-Nana Helen and she lives very far away in Pennsylvania.
We hope to see her and Great-Grampy Gordon sometime this summer!
Happy Mother's Day from many miles away!

Godmother Natalie and Jordy seeing baby piggies last summer
at the MN State Fair, let's do that again, Auntie!
I always love being silly with Grandma Boo-Boo,
any day of the year!

From just a few weeks ago, Great-Grandma Evie gives great hugs
and makes the best caramel rolls for treats!

Today is the first Mother's Day that we weren't able to celebrate
Great-Great Grandma Ione Kruger,
as she passed away in February after a long, memory-filled 95 year life.
This was taken last spring at her 95th birthday party
and we feel so fortunate that Jordan got to spend as much time knowing her as she did;
they were very special to each other!
We sure miss her, especially on days like today!

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