Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas all at once!

"Helping" Mama wrap presents, she was on ribbon duty

Grandpa Kirk, soon-to-be Uncle Kevin, and Auntie Cara
Focus on how sweet Jordy looks, not Betty Crocker ;P

Auntie Natalie and her favorite Uncle Jeremiah,
Jordy loves him to pieces and says his name over and over and over again...
which is great!

I love my new table and chairs to color at!

Wiping the frost off of her table... it was cold outside!

Bowling night, lookin' good girls!

Jordy with her new piggy jammas and Grandma Boo-Boo

Hey Daddy! Hey Daddy! Hey Daddy!
We're here to see Santa!

THHIIISSS close to seeing Santa

Yay!!! We did it, but Mama had to be in the picture for moral support.

After waiting in line for 1.5 hrs, we weren't copping out!

Lookin' good, a little spacy, but you can see the ensemble

Silly Jordy

Happy fam

Opening Jordan's Pooh papasan chair

Drawing on the Alphaschool bus

Auntie Jessica, Great-Grandma Kruger, and Uncle Dustin

5 Generations of Krugers on Christmas Day

No more photos, I'm outta here!

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