Sunday, April 27, 2008

The new Johnson Family-
Paul and Nicole, Ryan and Kia, Nancy and Paul
Me and Grandma in the dress she was so happy I wore :)
Being squirrely with Mama

Us again

4 Generations of Krogstad girls:

Great-Grandma Evie, Grandma Barb,

Mama, Aunties Natalie and Cara, and Me!

Crazy, crazy
Me and Auntie Natalie
Cara and Mama
3 sisters
Grandpa and Me
Great-Grandpa Harris and Jordan
Great-Grandma Evie and Jordan
Auntie Nat, Grandma Barb, Auntie Cara, and Mama
Me and Mama's cousin, Nicole
'Laxin' on the couch in my new whale jammies!
Last minute hugs from Grandpa...
and Cara... we'll see you all in 2 weeks!

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