Sunday, April 27, 2008

The new Johnson Family-
Paul and Nicole, Ryan and Kia, Nancy and Paul
Me and Grandma in the dress she was so happy I wore :)
Being squirrely with Mama

Us again

4 Generations of Krogstad girls:

Great-Grandma Evie, Grandma Barb,

Mama, Aunties Natalie and Cara, and Me!

Crazy, crazy
Me and Auntie Natalie
Cara and Mama
3 sisters
Grandpa and Me
Great-Grandpa Harris and Jordan
Great-Grandma Evie and Jordan
Auntie Nat, Grandma Barb, Auntie Cara, and Mama
Me and Mama's cousin, Nicole
'Laxin' on the couch in my new whale jammies!
Last minute hugs from Grandpa...
and Cara... we'll see you all in 2 weeks!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

She just started posing...
and being funny!
Off to eat and shop with Mama, Daddy, and Grandma Barb,
who is staying with us this week and baby-sitting!

Cousin Krista's Big Night!

On Monday, April 21st, Mama went to Minneapolis to see her cousin Krista's
graduation vocal recital at Augsburg College, it was amazing!
She sang in Hungarian, German, Spanish, and more!
Here she is (2nd from left) with her family,
Kaley, Krista, Karin, Tammy, Kent, and Matt...

Mama's aunt Colette and Kader were there, too, celebrating Krista's talents!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Generations of Krugers

The oldest Kruger and the youngest
5 Generations, pretty special
(Jordan looks just like Justin there, wow!)
Great Grandma Ione, Grandma Bev, and Anna, Aaron, and Adam
Grandma Ione, Bev, Steve and Kim
Ione, the birthday girl
The Birthday Girl's 95th birthday cake
Great-Auntie Kim and Jordan
Grandpa always lets me pull his beard
Great-Uncle Kevin, Cousin Aaron, and Grandpa Steve
overseeing the photo ops
Aaron, Adam, and Dustin hanging out
Nana and me
Getting our practice in whenever we can!
Getting tired
Cuddle buddies
Ready to ride!

Pre-party party in my crib!

Rowdy girl
Ready for anything!

Reading is Fun-damental!

Old McDonald, Daddy, and Jordan...
Anywhere we go, I can get anyone to read to me...
Grandpa Steve reading "Puppy Love" and

Nana reading it, too!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

At least someone's happy in this picture
She's coming around
I bet I can talk louder than you, Daddy!
I get tired of riding!
Gettin' wild!
Long day of errands, Jordan?
Zonked out
That ducky hat is back, again...
and again!