Sunday, February 17, 2008

Beach Party Birthday!

Luau Baby
Mama and Me

Nana and me

Me and soon-to-be Uncle Jeremiah

Me and LuLu, remember her from this summer?
We both sure have changed since then!

We girls like to share

Mama and Daddy got me this Care Bear
'cause they thought her hair looked like mine...
I have no idea what they are talking about!

Some books that Kennedy would like to read as soon as I am done!

A fun book to read a lot!

Pretty bears

Diggin' in

That bear's ear sure tastes good!

Lovin' the chocolate

Messy, messy

My first time with cake and I love it!

Blow out the candle!

Do I have something on my face?

Fresh after a nap

Grandpa and Me

Me and my Grandma

1 comment:

Jen said...

Happy 1st Birhtday Jordan! Wow, it is hard to believe she is one already! What a fun party, I bet she had a blast! She sure is CUTE!