Monday, October 22, 2007

Sorry it has been awhile since the last post! Jordan seems to catch the cold bugs pretty easily, so we've been to the doctor several times in the last few weeks to get her looked at. No ear infections, no strep throat, but maybe a slight case of asthma with some wheezing. We get to nebulize her 3 times a day with some medicines to clear her chest up. She's been a super trooper through it all!
At 8 months, she can sit up by herself, has 2 bottom teeth and 4 top ones ready to poke through, she loves to clap and have "Pat-a-cake" sung to her, and likes to squeal a lot when she gets excited. She loves the kids at daycare, the little ones in her room and getting to watch the big kids play on the playground outside of the window in their playroom. We are so lucky to have such a happy and content baby!
Thanks for checking out our family!

Should be lots of Halloween pics next week!

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