Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fun weekend with family

Cuddle time with Cara
I can't take it anymore!
Grandma and Me
This is how I sit up all by myself
How come I'm the only one who
can't try on my dress for Nat's wedding?
Cuddle time with Mama
Baby Bear
Smiles for Auntie
Watching the Packers beat the Vikes
with soon-to-be Uncle Jeremiah

First swim!

New robe and swimsuit
Strike a pose
Show me the sass!
Auntie Cara, only go as far as my knees to start...
I like hangin' at the pool with Kevin and Auntie Cara
Okay, you can get my tummy wet...
Who needs water wings when you have chunky arms?
Grandma's got me all wrapped up!
I'm tired after all of that hard work!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A "Great" Weekend

On Thursday night, we visited with my Great Great Grandma Ione
On Saturday, we went to see my Great Grandpa Merlin...
and my Great Grandma Bev.
We laughed and played for a long time...
I showed them how I can sit up all by myself and
where my two teeth are coming in!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunny Fall Saturday

Little Pumpkin
Me and my Nana Karen

Friday, September 14, 2007

Chilly Fall Friday

Getting cozy in my warm clothes and

then going for a car ride makes me sleepy!

Hanging out with Mama
Didn't even realized what happened until I put the camera down... kinda gross! Those eyes, those cheeks, those lips,

what's not to love!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First day of daycare!

We went to daycare today, and Mama only cried a little bit!
What a big girl she is!

At home playing with Daddy's favorite hat and it almost fits...

I like the Brewers, too!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Sunday Fun

Really... you don't say!

Just hanging out

Happy Girl!